Family Promise of Grand Rapids

516 Cherry Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, United States
516 Cherry Street Southeast Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 US

The mission of Family Promise of Grand Rapids is to engage community and faith-based organizations in ENDING HOMELESSNESS … one family at a time.

Our goals are ambitious and achievable:

• Family Promise will help homeless families with children find permanent housing, and, through our continuum of supportive programs and mentors, help them achieve sustainable self-sufficiency.

• Family Promise will help families achieve self-sufficiency so that children do not continue to cycle through our community’s homeless emergency system.

• Family Promise will be sensitive to and help many families who are homeless due to situations (job loss) and/or are experiencing a life crisis (illness, divorce, domestic abuse) which has led to first-time, and for many, only-time homelessness.


• Family Promise will allow families to remain intact during a housing crisis so dads can stay with their family and boys over the age of 10 remain with their siblings and parents. This will lessen the negative impact on families and children. Separation adds additional stress and takes time away from the goals of securing permanent housing and employment.